We provide pro forma financial and investment models to help you confidently make investment and financial decisions to grow your business, portfolio, and net worth.
About Pro Forma Models
Our institutional investment experience spanning investment banking, private equity, and asset management combined with our passion for helping people better understand investments, accounting, and risk management inspires our continuously growing inventory of affordable financial and investment models built to the most rigorous standards.
Financial models are an important component of every investment and business toolkit. All of our models our built in Microsoft Excel, fully unlocked to provide complete transparency, and can be customized to a user's individual analysis situation.
We encourage you to browse our continuously expanding inventory of financial models and to contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to helping you achieve your investment, financial, and business goals.

A combination bar and line chart exhibit from the Pro Forma Models Personal Net Worth Model showing net worth growth by year.

Chart exhibits from the Pro Forma Models Student Housing Real Estate Investment Financial Model showing levered and unlevered General Partner (GP) and Limited Partner (LP) returns on a gross and net basis as well as periodic outstanding debt balance and cumulative principal paid.

Dynamic debt schedule from Pro Forma Model's Hostel Financial Model allowing for interest only or amortizing debt, fixed or floating interest, prepayments, and many other features to handle even the most complex debt situations

A combination bar and line chart exhibit from the Pro Forma Models Personal Net Worth Model showing net worth growth by year.

Matrix of operational and financial highlights from the three statements (income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows) from the Pro Forma Models Business Acquisition (M&A) Financial Model with Monthly Business Plan & Returns

Waterfall exhibit of monthly promote structure with catch up from the Pro Forma Models Real Estate Investment With Waterfall Including Dynamic Catch Up

Valuation exhibit showing EBITDA, gross valuation, and net valuation from the Pro Forma Models Dynamic Distribution Business Plan 3 Statement Model with Return Calculations

Matrix of operational and financial highlights from the three statements (income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows) from the Pro Forma Models Business Acquisition (M&A) Financial Model with Monthly Business Plan & Returns
Why Use Financial Models?
Nobody can predict the future and a financial model will not tell you precisely what will happen with your investment or business. A financial model will allow you to forecast, analyze, and sensitize potential outcomes for you to better understand rewards, risks, opportunities, and threats to your investments and business.
Institutional and other smart-money investors use pro forma financial and investment models to project and understand investment performance before putting capital at risk.
Business owners and managers use pro forma financial models to sharpen and better understand their business processes, system, and model. A financial model can help a business owner or manager outline how products are created or services delivered, where major revenue and expense centers are located, and if their operations are economically and financially sound.
The Pro Forma Models Process
All Pro Forma Models follow our standardized and easy to use modular financial modelling process developed through our institutional modelling experience, so you can spend less time modelling in Microsoft Excel and more time managing your business and investments.